Monday, February 8, 2010

Breathing Problems And Stomach Virus Anxiety Attacks Ie. Numbness, Nausea, Vomiting. Please Help.?

Anxiety attacks ie. numbness, nausea, vomiting. please help.? - breathing problems and stomach virus

I'm fifteen years. Have suffered in recent times every day before school, which I believe are anxiety attacks. As soon as I wake up, I feel incredibly disgusting, I can not eat, and usually already sick. in the car on the way to school, my body is often overcome with numbness and tingling too. That does not mean stop until I'm at school and sit, breathe and forcing me to act normally around friends. In wonder if it really the fear, or something more serious? I had severe panic attacks in the past, but this is different. I would really appreciate any help. I googled everything I can think, and nobody describes exactly this problem. I saw a doctor about this a few days ago and told me he was probably a stomach virus, but I strongly disagree.
ps. I have also recently with a girl, and since I started these attacks almost exactly when he asked me out, I wondered if I might be too much emphasis on this relationship? Is this a question?



efxdc x said...

Negative emotions (like sadness, stress, anger, etc.) makes the production of serotonin may be too low, and when your serotonin levels are low, are more afraid of panic attacks, depression, etc.

Drugs such as antidepressants (SSRIs - selective serotonin reuptake can) inhibitors increase serotonin levels.

But there are natural ways to do it without drugs. There's this strange herb called "St John's Wort should - be more effective than Prozac. Not only for mild depression and these words to ignore. In fact, it helps panic attacks and panic that St. John's Wort works like Prozac. Other natural ways will be moving , diet, more exposure, etc.
The problem is that serotonin, although it is balanced ... They have that "learned behavior" in his head. We need that initial cycle to break through that learned behavior - Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is doing to destroy it. A technique that you use without CBT will be Distraction ... It will help some other techniques to overcome them!
Ok,With Distraction: Firstly, it is ....

Extracts from source.

only Jesus is the way said...

Here you go. answered his question.

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